Lawyers at DBMS successfully litigate a wide variety of civil cases and argue appeals in some of the most challenging jurisdictions in the country.
Colon v. Defendant Plastic Surgeon and Corporation
Defendant Plastic Surgeon and Corporation
Outcome:Defense Verdict
On April 15, 2005, plaintiff underwent an elective facelift performed by defendant plastic surgeon. Plaintiff alleged that defendant plastic surgeon’s surgical technique was negligent in that she inappropriately made the surgical incisions and failed to place the subcutaneous sutures in an appropriate location.
Plaintiff further alleged that defendant plastic surgeon failed to obtain appropriate informed consent by advising her of the potential risks, complications and alternative forms of treatment. Plaintiff alleged that, as a result of the foregoing, she was left with significant disfigurement of her ears and painful and palpable subcutaneous sutures.
Defendant plastic surgeon argued that her surgical technique and informed consent procedure was appropriate and in compliance with the standard of care in all respects. Specifically, she argued that the surgical incisions were made in the appropriate location, as documented in post-operative photographs. She further argued that the subcutaneous sutures were placed as deeply as possible without causing the plaintiff to incur significant additional risk.
The jury returned a defense verdict in less than 30 minutes.